Dictionary of Basic Joseki Vol 2. Yoshio Ishida- Kiseido 2001 - anglais - 303 p. Summary: Chap. 1 : point 3-4 (suite du vol.1), the one-space high approach Chap. 2 : point 5-3, the 3-4 approach...
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Dictionary of Basic Joseki Vol 2. Yoshio Ishida- Kiseido 2001 - anglais - 303 p. Summary: Chap. 1 : point 3-4 (suite du vol.1), the one-space high approach Chap. 2 : point 5-3, the 3-4 approach Chap. 3 : point 5-3, the 4-5 approach Chap. 4 : point 5-3, entering at the 3-3 point